Siwei Cheng | 程思薇

Associate Professor of Sociology, New York University
William T. Grant Scholar 2023-2028

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Siwei Cheng received her Ph.D. in Sociology and Public Policy (2015) and M.A. in Statistics (2012) from the University of Michigan, where she was also trained at the Population Studies Center. She received B.A. in Economics and Mathematical Statistics from Peking University (2009). Prior to joining the faculty of NYU, she was assistant professor of sociology at UCLA (2015-2016).

Cheng's research encompasses various areas of inequality, mobility, labor market, and quantitative methodology. Her work employs a broad array of methodological approaches, including causal inference, panel data methods, discrete choice models, network analysis, machine learning, and survey experiments. Cheng's work has been published in leading social science and general science journals, including the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). See HERE for active projects.

I am a co-creator of the NYC Kindergarten Admission Lottery Simulator, a free web application with accompanying Python and R code. This tool simulates the probability of receiving an offer from a specific program based on the NYC DOE's hexadecimal random number and historical school admission data.